Tuesday 17 September 

In Partnership with:




10.00-11.15 – Accelerating Capacity 

The government has made some ambitious statements about delivering housing. The offsite sector certainly has capacity, and business models aligned with fast delivery of homes but what strategies and support need to be put in place to accelerate delivery. Can standardisation enhance efficiency and quality, how do we manage potential risks? Does policy and planning need to change? How do we increase confidence?


Participants include: Jessie Wilde –  Housing Festival, Nicola Clayton, Suzanne Davenport – Studio Partington,
Abi Parsons – Rollalong, Gaynor Tennant – Offsite Alliance, Jimmy Overill – Etex Group, Paul Tierney – MMC Ireland
Edward Jezeph – Homes England


11.30-12.45 – Building on Success

The construction playbook has resonated across government frameworks, favouring MMC delivery as a preferred approach. While there is still a long way to go, many successful programs have already demonstrated significant results. Continuous improvement, enhanced productivity, and digitalisation have been crucial drivers in these achievements. What other factors have contributed to the success of these schemes, and what do we need to do to build on that success?


Participants include: Richard Crosby – Seismic, Anne Daw – HLM, Paul Bilbie – Vistry Group, Matthew Egan – EBA, Eva Magnaselli – Dataform Lab, Steve Marshall –  Galaxy, Steve Clark – Develop, Ron Lang – Atkins



13.00-14.15 – Nepotism to Meritocracy 

The construction sector has a notoriously bad reputation. It’s known for its blame culture, dirty work, and being a man’s job. But it’s about time that changed. To truly revolutionise the sector, we can’t continue doing the same things we’ve always done. This will require new and varied skill sets. We need to increase diversity, change the culture, and make it more inclusive if we are to attract and retain the talent we need. But how? Join us for the session “Nepotism to Meritocracy” to explore strategies and people needed to transform the industry.


Participants include: Eimear Strong – Strong Marketing, Ele George –  Elevate, Rhian Newman – Thorn Baker, Mark Beirne –  Cara EPS, Audley English – Eco Build, Dan Smith –  Stelling, Lindsay Maartens – Stepnell



14.30-15.45 – Collaborative Culture 

Collaboration is crucial in delivering a more sustainable, resilient, and productive future for the construction industry. Effective collaboration, facilitated by early conversations and coordinated efforts, informs better procurement practices and enables early supply chain involvement, ensuring key decisions align with value-driven outcomes. However true collaboration is a challenging subject for the many, as they set aside perceived commercial advantages and maintain collaboration and trust when things aren’t going well.
We will share insights and strategies, and discuss how you and your business are delivering the wider impact collaboration can bring.


Participants include: Ali Nicholl –  CE, Laura Katon – SIG, Susan Hine –  MTC, Andrew Orriss – STA, Mark Worrell – BBI Services, Alex Small –  Tata Steel, Richard Green – Elsi, Dan Leech – D4S




16.00-17.15 – Building Futures

The workforce problem is not going away; it’s only predicted to deepen. There is a disconnect between an ever-changing industry and the way we train our workforce. Do we know what our workforce will look like in a few years? If we can’t attract people now, how do we change that? How do we align education and industry to ensure we develop the necessary skills and competencies? Join us to explore these crucial questions and strategies for bridging the gap between education and the evolving needs of the construction industry.


Participants include: Mark Southgate – MOBIE, Polly Wilkinson –  BRE Academy, Debbie Johnson – IUK, Rhian Newman –  Thornbaker, David Emery – SSS, Danny Mac – TSA Riley, Robert Illes – CLC






Wednesday 18 September 

In Partnership with:




12.45-13.45 – Student Accommodation & Schools

This roundtable will showcase good practice in applying MMC to schools and Purpose Built Student Accommodation. Chaired by Dirk Vennix, BUILDOFFSITE Executive Director and CIRIA CEO, Sheppard Robson will provide short introduction from a designer’s perspective (including case studies).Other invitees include Department for Education, Bowmer + Kirkland, Hadley Group, IPA, other government departments and arms length bodies.



Participants include: Dirk Vennix, Chair – BUILDOFFSITE, Natalia Maximova and Haroon Iqbal – Sheppard Robson, Carl Ward – B+K, Crawford Wright – DfE, Steve Newman – Mace, Calum Barrett – Transport for London, Eva Magnisali – DataFormLab



14.15-15.15 – Social Infrastructure – Focus on the Prisons Project

This roundtable will showcase good practice in social infrastructure delivery through the MoJ’s new prisons programme. Chaired by Dirk Vennix, BUILDOFFSITE Executive Director and CIRIA CEO, MoJ will provide a short introduction from a client’s perspective with context setting of the ‘blueprint’ and how MoJ got to HMP Millsike (UK’s fi rst allelectric ‘green’ prison). BUILDOFFSITE member Kier will also introduce the contractor perspective.
Other participants include IPA, Mace, Lendlease and Bryden Wood.



Participants include:  Dirk Vennix, Chair – BUILDOFFSITE, Patrick Kennedy – Ministry of Justice, Rebeca Boundy – Kier, Philippe Sauvegeot – Mace,  Steve Fennell – Lendlease,  Jennifer Charlson – IPA,  Jamie Johnston – Bryden Wood